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Assignment 3 MARIE simulator

Answer the following questions:
 [This task requires you to use the MARIE simulator for Questions 1 and 2. Prior to starting this task, you must ensure that the simulator is running correctly by completing the tutorial provided with the simulator, located under Resources within the Interact site.]
1. Assemble the MARIE program below.
Addr   Label       Instruction
100    Start,        LOAD X
101                     ADD Y
102                     STORE TEMP
103                     LOAD W
104                     ADD U
105                     ADD TEMP
106                     OUTPUT
107                     STORE Z
108                     HALT
109     X,            DEC 5
10A     Y,            DEC 14
10B     TEMP,    HEX 00FD
10C     W,            DEC 4
10D     U,            DEC 16
10E    Z,            HEX 00FE
a) List the hexadecimal code for each instruction [3 marks]
b) Draw the symbol table [2 marks]
c) What is the value stored in the AC when the program terminates. [2 mark]
 2. Write a MARIE program using a loop that implement the following code. You should write and run the program using MARIE simulator. Also write the code with Address, Instruction, and Comments . [8 marks]

3. Suppose that a 256M * 128 Memory built using 1024*32 RAM Chips and memory is word addressable. [5 marks]

a.    How many RAM Chips are necessary?
b.    How many RAM Chips are there per memory word?
c.    How many address bits are needed for each RAM Chip?
d.    How many banks will this memory have?
e.    How many address bits are needed for all memory?

4. Choose one area of rapid technological change in IT or Computer Science, research and report on recent developments and the outlook for the future in the area that you have chosen. You will need to provide both in text citations and bibliography entries according to Faculty of Business policy (APA format). Your report should be around 500 words. [10 marks]
Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.
This assessment task covers topics on CPU operation and Instruction Set Architecture, and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:
•           be able to define and appropriately use computer systems terminologies;
•           be able to describe the essential elements of computer organisation and discuss how the elements function;
•           be able to describe the basic instruction set architecture of a simple computer;
•           be able to discuss the general trends in computing technologies including examples of leading edge developments.
Marking criteria
The following marking criteria will be used to mark this assignment:
Questions        Fail
(<50%)            Pass
(50% - 64%)    Credit
(65% - 74%)    Distinction
(75% - 84%)    High Distinction (>84%)
Question 1       Answers are incorrect Total marks available = 6 marks
•         Subtract 1 mark for each incorrect or missing instruction value in the code assembly;
Subtract 1 mark for each incorrect or missing symbol;
Question 2       Code does not meet specification.      Code meets specification but has errors in operation.            Code meets specification, and has some comments.  Code meets specification and is well documented with comments.       Code meets specification, is well documented with comments, and includes ability to input initial values.
Question 3       Incorrect answer with no demonstration of understanding the topic.            Student demonstrate the understanding, however the calculations are incorrect.          Answers are correct, omission of few calculations.   Answers are correct and clearly show the calculations
Further, for Question 4, the following marking criteria will be used.
Area   Fail
(<50%)            Pass
(50% - 64%)    Credit
(65% - 74%)    Distinction
(75% - 84%)    High Distinction
beginning        Absent of proper introduction.           Background details are a random collection of information: They are unclear or unrelated to the topic. The introduction doesn't appear to consider the reader.             Introduction is adequate and includes some background information, yet it may lack detail and creativity. It may need to do more to catch the reader's attention, or it may not quite fit the focus of the essay. Introduction creates reader interest and is fairly well-developed. It contains some background information and/or details, and it fits the focus of the essay.      A well-developed introduction catches the audience's attention and creates interest. The beginning of the essay contains background information so that readers can understand the story's context. A guiding sentence close to the beginning conveys the focus of the essay.
Overall Organisation   No organisation present in the report. The flow of the essay from detail to detail is difficult to understand or implies that important information has been left out.  Organization is clear. Some transitions are present, while others are either inappropriate or missing.      
Logical progression of details with a clear and effective order. Transitions are present, but they do not enhance the overall effectiveness of the paragraph            Logical progression of details with a clear and effective order that enhances the essay and provides a vivid description of the topic with appropriate and effective transitions.
Style: Flow, tone, word choice           Writing does have a lot of mistakes and wrong information. Writing appears rushed or underdeveloped.     Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. The tone is inconsistent and word choice, while adequate, could be better. While sense language is used, it is not very effective in creating imagery            Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. There is consistent tone and word choice is appropriate with fairly good use of sense language to create imagery.     Writing is smooth, skill full, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Consistent and appropriate tone and word choice is used throughout the paragraph. Sense language is used to "show, not tell" the reader what is being described.
Quality of research      No research performed.          Minimal research is performed. The research consists predominantly of information collection, and making simple correlations of different research work on the topic.             Surface research is performed. Author presented mainly description of different research and showed the correlations of the research of the topic. However, the authors failed to speculate the future trends of the research.             Research of   sufficient depth. Authors identified the research progression, and produce speculation of future research on the topic with lack of confidence.           Research in-depth and the beyond the obvious, revealing new insights gained. Author clearly identified the way of the research approaching by the other researchers and clearly predicts in which way the research would be going in future.
References      NO references provided.        References are seldom cited to support statements.
Format of the document is not recognizable as APA.            Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. The reader is confused about the source of information and ideas.
There are frequent errors in APA format.       Professionally legitimate sources that support claims are generally present and attribution is, for the most part, clear and fairly represented.
APA format is used with minor errors.           Compelling evidence from professionally legitimate sources is given to support claims. Attribution is clear and fairly represented.
APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the "References" page.