1 There is no need to re-engineer a process once an ERP project has begun.
2 TQM concentrates on anticipating and preventing defects.
3 BOM is alternately called, “basis of manufacturing”.
4 Position control promotes planning and budgeting of personnel costs.
5 Demand management forecasting is linked to both MPS and MRP.
6 ERP reduces cost but promotes increases in inventory.
7 One reason for ERP failures is attributed to narrow focus.
8 Statistical influences related to data mining are valid for customers and employees but not employers and pubic agencies.
9 Sales forecasting is used primarily to support SCM.
10 Employee tracking from application to retirement is known as human capital inventory.
11 Order settlement’s goals are to manage operations, quantities and dates.
12 Another used for the e-business value chain is “virtual value chain”.
13 MPS stands for monthly product status.
14 e-Business has transformed customer2customer and supplier2supplier by virtue of data-centric transactions based on high-speed communications.
15 SCM unites customers and suppliers with the intent of maximizing responsiveness, augmenting flexibility, eliminating paperwork and controlling cost.
16 ERP and MRP are totally unrelated concepts.
17 Open market relates to the attributes of a first-time relationship between a customer and supplier for a new product assembly.
18 ERP is a set of tools used to manage enterprise data.
19 Consistency between new technologies and corporate infrastructure mitigates risk.
20 EOQ applications monitor and collect data relative to goods-in-process and piece counts versus scrap.