You are the compliance manager of a medium sized hospital in a suburban neighborhood. Your facility is a medical surgical facility providing care for the community. Your facility has hospitalists employed and grants privileges to physicians in the community.
Using MS PowerPoint as a presentation tool, prepare an informational report about the case from the following article available within the KU Library. Search for the title of this article using the library search tool.
Roberts, R. (2003). Seven reasons family doctors get sued and how to reduce your risk. Family Practice Management. 10(3), 29-34.
• Choose one reason "doctors get sued" from the article above and let this be the basis of your presentation.
• Add speaker notes to your presentation discussing how your theme choice impacts physician decision-making in creating a patient healthcare plan.
• In other words, explain how physician liability concerns relate to your topic choice.
• As you explain these concerns, include how the regulatory environment in which providers operate at times can hinder the ability for a provider to do what is necessary for patients. Provide an example or scenario illustrating these limitations.
• Further, address the cost to the facility in addressing such concerns.
• Lastly, provide solutions to your chosen reason for being sued.
A minimum of 20 slides including a title page and reference page(s). The title slide should include the title, your name, and the date you are submitting the presentation.