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Choose ONE of the following topics for your narrative essay assignment:

1. You may react to your reading of “My Accidental Jihad,” by Krista Bremer
And write an essay in which you either defend or challenge the following statement: “The Muslim culture is so different from that of most citizens in the United States that we consistently misread the intentions and long-range goals of faithful Muslims” (taken from p. 271 of Readers for Writers).

2. You may react to your reading of “My Accidental Jihad,” by Krista Bremer by writing an essay in which you praise those aspects of the Muslim faith that, if followed sincerely, would create a noble, peaceful, caring society, OR, choosing those aspects of the Muslim faith that you find impossible to support, write an essay arguing why they are unacceptable as spiritual guidelines. Begin with a clear thesis which you support with strong evidence (taken from p. 271 of Readers for Writers).

3. You may write a narrative piece in which you react to Carmen bin Laden’s “Postscript,” and write your narrative as one that expresses gratitude for her candid insights into the world of fundamentalist Islam. You should write about your reflections on inflexible societies and how certain aspects of her “Postcript” essay have heightened your awareness about how important it is to live in a free society (taken from p. 279 of Readers for Writers).

4. You may write a narrative piece in which you respond to the reading of the essay “Postscript,”  by Carmen Bin Laden. Write an essay in which you describe certain features of our society that might appall people from more conservative cultures. Consider the violence and sexual explicitness of our films, the total lack of taste in some of the lyrics of our music and its thudding sounds, and the crass materialism we exhibit in the cars we drive and the money we spend on ourselves. You might even compare the veiled look of the Sudi Arabian young women with the clothes that allow Western girls to bare just about every inch of their bodies (taken from p. 279 of Readings for Writers).

5. Write your narrative about a personal experience that involved overcoming a challenge or experiencing a tragic or life altering event that made you view life in a different perspective than you did prior to this event.

6. You may write a narrative piece on any of the additional topics listed on the Libguide site. Go to the IRSC homepage. Click on the library page. Look to the left of the screen, and click on ENC 1101. Click on Dr. Pechter’s page, and view the additional topics listed under Narrative Essay #1.

Narrative Essay #1:
•           Cover Sheet
•           Final draft typed essay
•           First draft Gordon Rule Essay (written during the in class Writing Day)
•           Planning Web