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Efforts Dubai(UAE) government should invest

Topic: Efforts Dubai(UAE) government should invest, in order to rank Dubai as the topmost Global business destination?
AIM = is the statement version of the research question.. should cover everything that’s been asked
Efforts Dubai government should invest, in order to rank Dubai as the topmost Global business destination? Is the main topic.
The writer needs to form a question regarding the topic. in this we have to take sub topic related to which we have to read 20 articles or journals only to make our literature review we have to write aim according to our subtopic of our main Topic and we have to write 5-7 objectives min 20 Journals should be referenced with harvard referencing in text citation. no dot com site is acceptable at all.
(sub topic the writer should decide relevant to Main topic)

Understanding of topic and subtopics
Accurate interpretation of literature
Critical appraisal of literature
Synthesis of literature
Develop a story-line which logically and convincingly leads to research questions
Original research questions/hypotheses
Quality, breadth and depth of reading
Does your literature review start at a more general level before narrowing down?
Does the literature covered relate clearly to your research question and objectives?
Have you covered key theories of recognised experts in the area?
Are the issues highlighted where your research will provide fresh insights?
Is the literature up to date?
Have you been objective and used reasonable judgement in your discussion and assessment of other people’s work?
Have you included references counter to your own opinion?
Have you clearly justified your own ideas?
Do your arguments link together & lead clearly to your research questions?