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Essay Topic

This topic introduced a second wave of civilizations that existed in the Old World beginning c. 500 B.C.E. These civilizations (Persia, Greece, Rome, and China) were able to establish themselves as the dominate powers within their regions and even beyond, thus creating early empires. With this in mind, address the following question: Which of the classical empires do you view as the most successful? Please be sure to include examples to support your ideas and answers. Submission Requirements: This assignment must comply with essay format guidelines: Introductory paragraph, multi-paragraph body, and a closing paragraph.The paragraphs should be single spaced with double spacing between paragraphs with standard margins and no more than 12 font. Your essay should not be over three pages in length. The essay should be in your own words. Please do not quote resource materials. Please include research sources utilized to compile your essay. Cite your sources with an attached bibliography. If you do choose to quote a source, please utilize proper citation. Also, be careful of your sources. Use academic-based sites for online sources, not popular ones, such as Wikipedia.