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HU300 Prepare and conduct interviews with two people about happiness

Prepare and conduct interviews with two people about their definition of happiness, how they gained this view, and whether they feel happiness is achievable. Choose two people who vary in age and experience. Only one of the subjects can be someone you know well. This is an opportunity to learn about acquaintances and strangers as well. These should be face-to-face interviews. Introduce this project by introducing each subject one at a time. Who are they? What is the nature of your relationship? Next, ask a variety of questions to get them to consider not just their definition of happiness, but its origins and development. Some sample questions to get you started: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? What experiences have influenced your definition? Do you expect the definition to change again? You will submit a transcript of the interview, including your questions, so take notes or record the discussion. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies, whether the subjects were honest, or if the concept of happiness was difficult to define. The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text. The project may be completed in Microsoft Word or in Powerpoint. However, the assignment word count must be communicated on Powerpoint notes or slides. Cite any sources in APA formatting.