1) The internet is a driving force behind developments in telecommunications, networks, and other information technologies. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
2) How is the trend toward open systems, connectivity, and interoperability related to business use of internet, intranets and extranets?
3) Refer to the real world Case on Metric & Multistandard Components Corp in the chapter. Pick a small business you would like to start. How would you handle the telecommunication needs of your company at the beginning? After your business had grown substantially a few years later? Explain the reason for your choices.
4) How will wireless information appliances and services affect the business use of internet and the Web? Explain.
5) What are some of the business benefits and management challenges of client/server networks? Network computing? Peer to peer networks?
6) What is the business value driving so many companies to install and extend intranets rapidly through out their organizations?
7) What strategic competitive benefits do you see in company’s use of extranets?
8) Refer to the Real world case on Starbucks and Others on the future of free, Public WI-Fi. New startups are offering in exchange for serving advertising while browsing the web. What do you think about this business model? Would you expect to see any competition between these companies, say, two different providers covering the same airport, or rather some degree o exclusivity?
9) Do you think that business use of internet, intranets and extranets has changed what business people expect from information technology in their jobs? Explain.
10) The insatiable demand for everything wireless, video, and web enabled everywhere will be the driving force behind development in telecommunications, networking and computing technologies for the foreseeable future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?