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LDR 531 DQ

week 3 The people can separate the emotions from the situation of the conflict by controlling the emotions like anger, frustration and irritation.*This can be easier said than done--what are some tactics supervisors/those involved can use to control emotions?
week 4Class---the following are excerpts from the Harvard Business School eLearning Alert Newsletter email I received several months ago for a book titled Leading Teams with Emotional Intelligence----- "The key to successful leadership is in understanding your emotional impact on others. However, emotional leadership is not simply about putting on a game face every day, but about being aware of your effect on those around you--and adjusting your style accordingly. Many leaders suffer from "CEO disease"--a condition in which people do not tell a leader the whole truth about how his or her mood and actions appear to the organization. Therefore leaders must be proactive in getting accurate feedback about their emotional style.