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Marketing Term Paper

A. Background
You have been hired as an entry-level marketing consultant by a consulting firm to prepare a marketing report. The report is to comprise two parts: an industry analysis and a company analysis. You are to research one of these industry sectors:

•    Airlines
•    Banking
•    Broadcasting, Cable & Satellite
•    Computers: Consumer Services & the Internet
•    Household Durables
•    Telecommunications: Wireless
B. General Guidelines
1.         Select one of these listed industries and read S&P’s report on it. YOU MAY NOT DO A PAPER ON ANY OTHER INDUSTRY.
2.         Go to Hofstra’s online library, choose “Research Databases,” click on “Accounting/Business,” and then scroll down to “Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage.” At this site, click on “Industries” from the toolbar at the top of the screen and select one of the assigned
industries. At the industry page, click “PDF” from the toolbar. Download the MOST RECENT report on that industry.
3. Whileresearchingtheindustry,selectamajorcompanyinthatindustrytoanalyze.Researchthatcompany.
4. Apply as many course concepts aspossible in doing the paper.

C. Content Guidelines Your paper MUST include these sections – IN THE ORDER NOTED BELOW:

1.A brief introduction describing your topic and what will be covered in the paper.
2. A discussion and analysis of these points for the industry:
•    a.     MY analysis of the scope and segments of the industry
•    b.     MY analysis of the 2013 performance of the industry
•    c.     MY SWOT analysis of the industry as of 2014
•    d.     Examples of the target markets served and the marketing mix strategies (all four elements) being used by the industry
•    e.     MY short-run and long-run forecast regarding the future of the industry and why
•    f.      MY marketing recommendations as to what should be done for the industry to succeed in the future
3. A discussion and analysis of these points for a major company in the industry:
•    a.     MY analysis of the company’s line of business and 2013 sales and profit performance
•    b.     Specific examples of the target market(s) served and the marketing mix strategy (all four elements) being used by the company
•    c.     MY analysis of the differential advantages/strengths and the weaknesses of the firm
•    d.     MY analysis of the international performance of the firm
•    e.     MY short-run and long-run forecast regarding the future of the firm and why
•    f.      MY marketing recommendations as to what should be done for the firm to succeed in the future
4. A brief conclusion.


D. Stylistic Guidelines
1.         The typed paper is to be 12-15 double-spaced pages (excluding the table of contents and bibliography). The introduction of the
paper is to be numbered as page 1.
2.         Use 1” margins and 11 or 12 point type. Do not have partial pages; let each section follow one another.
3.         Write clearly: Include ALL the subheads as noted under C above. For C2 and C3, use subheads for every point.
4.         References must be provided, with an emphasis on 2013 and 2014. ALL facts must be referenced IN THE PAPER, not just in
the bibliography. You must cite at least 5 sources besides the Standard & Poor’s report and company-published materials. Do not rely on company materials, but on the business press (such as Businessweek, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, etc.] NOTE: The correct style for your references is

contained at the course Blackboard Site under “Term Paper Research Hints.”
5.         The final paper must have a title page, a table of contents (showing the page numbers of all sections), section headings, and a bibliography and be typewritten.

E. Due date
1.         Typed submission of the final paper — Monday April 28, 2014.
2.         Lateness will be penalized 10 points for the first day and 1 point each day thereafter (to a maximum penalty of 20 points).