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PSY 375 Life Span Human Development

Week 1 DQ 1:
 Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
 What characteristics are associated with human development?  Which one(s) do you relate to most, and why?
 Week 1 DQ 2:
 Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
 The five perspectives on human development include the three grand theories, and two emergent theories.
Please describe these five theories.  Which theory (or theories) are most similar to your beliefs concerning life span development?  Explain why.
PSY 375 Week 1 Life Span Perspective Paper:-
Week 2 DQ 1: 
Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
 How much stimulation should a caregiver give to infants?    Is it possible for a child to be given too much sensory stimulation?  Explain why or why not.
 Week 2 DQ 2 :
 Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
What aspects of parenting are linked with the development of young children?  Using an example from personal and/or professional experience, please explain how a particular parenting style may affect development.
PSY 375 Week 2 Infancy and Early Childhood Development Paper
 Week 3 DQ 1: Middle and Late Childhood Years
 Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
Describe the changes that take place in the self during middle and late childhood years. Does emotion change in middle and late childhood?
 Week 3 DQ 2:
Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
Explain the concepts of autonomy and attachment, and describe how they develop in adolescence.
 PSY 375 Week 3 Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development Paper
 Week 4 DQ 1:-
 Please post a 200-300 word response to the following Discussion Question:
Read Issue 14, “Is There Such a Thing as Emerging Adulthood?” in the Taking Sides text.
What does the term “emerging adulthood” refer to?
Do you support the concept of emerging adulthood and should it be considered a developmental stage?  Explain.
 Week 4 DQ 2:
Please post a 200-300 word response to the following Discussion Question:

Are there more pressures on marriage today than in the past?  Explain why or why not.
PSY 375 Week 4 Issue Analysis:-
Week 5 DQ 1:
Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
If we were able to increase the maximum human life span, would this be beneficial? Why or why not?
Week 5 DQ 2:
Please post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question:
Explore how a culture different than your own views death and dying.  What are the similarities with your own culture?  What are the differences?
PSY 375 Week 5 Developmental Stages Matrix:-
PSY 375 Week 5 Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper