· Union Station
Conduct thorough historical background research for the site you have selected by utilizing both library archival material, peer-reviewed journal articles, historic newspaper articles, and scholarly Internet sources. Once you have done so, take a trip to the site you selected and take a few photos (including one with you in it) and jot down your thoughts and initial impressions of the place. You final paper will explain the original purpose of the site, a history of how the site has changed (including changes in how the site is used), your impressions of site now and an analysis of its effectiveness in serving its current purpose. Finally, given how Los Angeles constantly changes, do you have any recommendations that would make better use of the site, and improvements in the sustainability of the site?
The text of your paper should be 6-8 double-spaced pages long (excluding photos) and include a couple of photos (in the appendix). You should add a bibliography and site sources throughout the paper. Use APA formatting, see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/. You should have at least 5 sources (excluding sources for photos). While most of your photos you should take yourself, for any photos you did not take, you should add the web-link below it to provide citation.