SOC 312 Week 1 DQ 1 Bronfenbrenners Ecological Model
Your text uses Bronfenbrenner's ecological model to explain how children's development is affected by different groups within their world. Using this theory, we can understand how children are socialized both intentionally and unintentionally. You must understand how this theory applies to your own upbringing as well as a young child's upbringing in order to truly comprehend the concept. Use your understanding of this theory to respond to the questions below.
SOC 312 Week 1 DQ 2 Agents of Socialization
Agents of socialization include parents, siblings, extended family, community, culture, economic environment, religion, child care, school, teachers, peers, formal organizations, sports, mass media, and technology. In an ideal world, these agents would complement one another in order to best influence a child's development. Choose three of the above agents and discuss how these agents can have both a positive and negative influence on a child's development. Include examples from your own experience and share ways you believe the agents of socialization could be improved.
SOC 312 Week 2 DQ 1 The Theory of Mind
Theory of the mind suggests that children reach a cognitive developmental milestone when they begin to understand the
behaviors of others". (Bojczyk, Shriner, and Shriner, 2001) A three year old is just becoming aware of the things around them, there innocent and
very honest at this stage. They want to play and have fun so to keep it moving right along the child plays without getting anyone in trouble or getting mad in
the process. Jacob is in the stage of Autonomy vs. shame and doubt he's too young and trusting so that he can't understand that he could trick the mean
monkey. Patrick has reached the stage where he knows that he can trick the monkey and get away with it to make him happy. The developmental stage Patrick
is in is initiative vs. guilt; Patrick is more carious than anything and wants to see actually what he can get away with.
SOC 312 Week 2 DQ 2 Self-Regulation
Toddlers' success at self-regulation is critical for their adjustment later in life (Jennings et al., 2008). Toddlers with better self-regulation skills are less likely to demonstrate behavior problems in preschool." (Eisenberg et al., 2004) Most children and I say most because they understand more than we think or know. When told not to do something they listen but it's very hard for a toddler to stay still and just sit as such. The little girl dove right in and took a few nibbles of the marshmallow then sat it back down, she just couldn't help herself because their curious. The older children know that if they wait the can enjoy two at the same time;
SOC 312 Week 3 Assignment Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Strategies
“Children in the preoperational stage continue to investigate their environments through direct experience with objects and interactions with others.Preoperational children view their experiences through an egocentric lens, which affects the way they develop understanding and build their schemas.” (Bojczyk, Shriner, & Shriner, 2012) Children get their attitudes and beliefs from a variety and different ways; it always starts at home in the home and around the home. Parents are who the children first hear and look up to so they do what they see and say what they hear. “The ways in which children learn and develop will ultimately affect how they process the messages they receive from their microsystems, thus playing a role in shaping their attitudes and beliefs.” (Bojczyk, Shriner, & Shriner 2012)
When children are young and in the preoperational stage they never stop learning, the learning is continuous. Strategies such as acknowledge, encourage, model and demonstrate are just a few that help children along the way in their process of the growing stage in their life. As parents/caregivers and teachers we must remain flexible and be very observant. All the strategies go hand and hand and if one doesn’t work it will work with another. As children grow up all these strategies will help their cognitive growth by giving them courage, the strength, and the ability to do things and not be afraid to try new things and they won’t be discouraged when they have to try things over and over again.
SOC 312 Week 3 DQ 1 Motivators
You are a preschool teacher. Describe a situation in which you would use an extrinsic reward to motivate a preschooler. Discuss how these motivators could result in learned helplessness. Now give examples and explain how you can lead the same child to achieve intrinsic motivation by becoming their own locus of control. Keep in mind that your end goal is for the child to be intrinsically motivated so they have ownership of the behavior.
SOC 312 Week 3 DQ 2 Control
The role of the microsystem in shaping children’s effortful control is important and parents play a critical role. What would you recommend to a parent who asks you what he or she can do to promote his or her preschool child’s self-regulation skills? Now turning to the mesosystem, identify examples of influences on the child's effortful control you can share with the parent.
Provide examples of influences on children’s effortful control that you have observed in your own family and other families who are close to you.
SOC 312 Week 4 Assignment Bullyin Change
“During the elementary school years, children depend on each other for companionship, advice, and self-validation. Peer relations provide a context for self-understanding and learning how to relate to others.” (Bojczyk, Shriner, & Shriner, 2012) Bullying takes place everywhere just not in school, our work places and even just when we go out. When a person makes an effort to do better and get better it’s a cry out for help, everything must be done in order to help the person get better. “Any bully can change”. Most times it is difficult to know what is or who is doing the bullying. To start off the class as a whole and start everyone from the beginning, starting an activity that shows the children how to prevent bullying and how to not become the bully is a good way to begin.
Purpose: The following plan is to help children become aware and to help prevent bullying prevention.
Goal: Children will learn how to react to different situations to prevent bullying as a whole.
The teacher will begin to define the word bullying and asking children to right down their own definition and to share it as well.
Children will get into groups of four or two large groups; they will then discuss questions among each other and come up with a skit to act out different situations and how to prevent different situations.
Questions: What is bullying? How can we stop bullying? Do my words hurt someone else’s feelings? Do my actions or words hurt someone else or makes them feel afraid? Do I try to control others? Do I make fun of someone clothing? Do I chase younger children away from the swings? Do I accidentally bump someone in the hallway but don’t say excuse me? Do I tease others to make people laugh?
All of the questions will give children the opportunity to become aware of the things being said and done and how they can prevent them all. Some things children do they really don’t mean to do it.
SOC 312 Week 4 DQ 1 Cultural and Linguistic Differences
Give an example of how you could teach your students the importance of acceptance. Your post must address the children in the concrete operational stage.
“A concrete operation is the stage in which children can use mental operations to solve concrete or actual problems. Children in the midst of concrete operations function at a much higher level in terms of their cognition than they did during the stage of preoperational thinking.”(Bojczyk, Shriner, & Shriner, 2012) Educators can positively influence children by mixing them up with other kids from different backgrounds and let them interact with each other. When I was growing up I stayed in a little suburb and I was only around African Americans. But when I finally got to college it was finally a mixture and I was so pleased to be around others from different backgrounds. I wished when I was younger that my parents even took us out of the neighborhood just so we could have had that experience as a child.
SOC 312 Week 4 DQ 2 Bullying
Choose one of the situations presented: Diego, Timmy, or Kendra. Briefly describe the situation. Offer suggestions that can be put into place by the teacher, school, and the parents (at least one for each). Use the following resources to support your response:
a. Bullies: What is Bullying
b. Stopbullying
You must address what should be said to the child who is targeted and to the child exhibiting the bullying behavior. You must include what should not be said as well. Include at least one suggestion to be used in the classroom and one suggestion that can be reinforced at home.
SOC 312 Week 5 DQ 1 Technology
Your text shares many negative effects of technology and the media's influence on children. Regardless, technology is increasing rapidly and is only becoming a larger portion of our children's lives. First, choose an age level (toddler, pre-school, or elementary age). Then, list three positive examples of how technology has enhanced socialization for children in that age group. Give two additional examples of how parents/educators can use technology to further enhance a child's socialization.
SOC 312 Week 5 DQ 2 Nonparental Care
Choose one of the three nonparental care choices: nannies, center-based, or family-based care. Pretend you are trying to sell your chosen method of care to a prospective client who is a parent of a toddler. Share the advantages of your childcare setting so that the parent chooses your method to care for their child. Address the following in your post: socialization, cost, turnover, and any other points that you believe are necessary to sell your childcare option.
I am a nanny and have been very successful at being that extra hand in my client’s homes, it’s demanding yet very honorable and rewarding in the end. “Advantages Individual (one-on-one) or small-group care, In-home care; no need to drive to provider location”. (Bojczyk, K., Shriner, B., Shriner, M. 2012).