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Technology roadmap outline

This Week you will be required to complete a technology roadmap outline for moving The International Food Group (IFG) from where they are now (functional website) to their vision of where they want to be (social networking, mashups, multimedia).  In the outline, you should summarize your approach to each of the seven activities described in Chapter 8 of the required text, IT Strategy: Issues and Practices (2nd ed.).  In a separate section, briefly address the difficulties you think you will face in trying to deal with the five practical steps mentioned in Chapter 8.  Your outline should be  4 pages and should include at least three references in addition to your text. The Library is a good place to get these additional references.
You are also required to write an expository essay espousing the need for experimentation and innovation at IFG.  The audience for this essay should be internal, upper management. Your essay should establish the need for, and benefits of, increased innovation and collaboration at IFG in order to reach the goals presented in your roadmap outline. Your essay should be  3 pages and include at least three references in addition to your text.