This class is Managing Workforce Diversity.
Write an academic paper for submission on the changing composition of the modern workers and their values. In this paper, discuss the changes in the modern workplace, define the term value, compare and contrast the values of the current generation of workers and how their values differ from previous generations. Overall, discuss the similarities and differences of workers based on such differences as age, culture, language, religion, generational, economic or other differences. Furthermore, mention how values are acquired, where values are acquired from, the power of values, how values are used, how values can change over time, and why values are important. You can also mention how a person’s values can impact one’s behavior in the workplace, society and life. Mention if there is a link or relationship between personal and organizational values in your paper. Toward the end of the paper, you can explore and determine your own list of values (could be personal and/or professional), write them down and briefly discuss why these values are important to you. You are welcome to use the results of surveys and attitude instruments that are available online at various websites...such as those related to understanding prejudice, stereotypes, biases, or one’s personality tendencies. In this paper, at a minimum, discuss the following parts or sub-headings:
The paper should be about four to six pages - more pages are okay. Write in the APA format (Title, headings, sub-headings, page numbering, citations, references, etc.) and include at least two references