In your own words break down each of these three paragraphs and explain what they are trying to say about punishment and why reinforcement beats punishment Paragraph 1 Punishment has several disadvantages that make its routine questionable. For one thing, punishment is frequently ineffective, particularly if it is not delivered shortly after the undesired behavior or if the individual is able to leave the setting in which the punishment is being given. An employee who is reprimanded by the boss may quit; a teenage who loses the use of the family car may borrow a friends' car instead. In such instance, the initial behavior that is being punished may be replaced by one that is even less desirable. Paragraph 2
BP's code of conduct includes this: "health, safety, security and the environment—fundamental rules and guidance to help us protect the natural environment, the safety of the communities in which we operate, and the health, safety and security of our people" (BP, 2010). But Seidman (2010) said this: "Many of the factors thought to have led to the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig were the result of bad decisions in which a less expensive option—whether to run a test or use a particular kind casing pipe, for example—was consistently chosen over one that would have cost more money."
Briefly explain how operant conditioning works and how does behavior modification relate to operant condition. What is meant by behavior modification? Can the use of operant principals through behavior modification be applied to many real-world problems? Provide a real world example how behavior modification has been successful? What is an extrinsic reinforcer? Can operant conditioning using an extrinsic reinforcer as a reward sometimes back fire? Why or Why not What is an intrinsic reinforcer?
E9-1 The following expenditures relating to plant assets were made by Spaulding Company during the first 2 months of 2011. 1. Paid $5,000 of accrued taxes at time plant site was acquired. 2. Paid $200 insurance to cover possible accident loss on new factory machinery while the machinery was in transit. 3. Paid $850 sales taxes on new delivery truck. 4. Paid $17,500 for parking lots and driveways on new plant site.
Format: Submit a PowerPoint presentation (including speaker notes) of 12-15 slides that you would use in your executive presentation. Congratulations! You have just been selected as the Director of Human Resources for a small growing company called Dynmatics Healthcare based in New Orleans. Dynmatics Healthcare is a small business that is growing by leap and bounds and provides Homecare Nursing and medical equipment for patients that are home bound. What started as a small concept is now expanding at a rate that is difficult to manage. The CEO of the company (Noreen Davis) along with one other partner have decided that the organization's structure (which is primarily Davis) working as
Directions: Revise these sentences so that they are an effective business sentence. You do not have to write the original sentences, just your rewrites, but the sentences must be grammatically correct and carry the same meaning as the original. 1. Because we need more space for our new inventory, we're staging a two-for-one sale. 2. So that we may bring our customer records up-to-date and eliminate the expense of duplicate mailings, we are asking you to complete the enclosed card. 3. If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the United States. 4. The salary we are offering is commensurate with other managers' remuneration. 5. Pursuant to your invitation, we will interrogate our agent.
My dissertation talks about turnover intention among nurses and the retention efforts of the hospitals in Saudi Arabia for theirnursing staff. Main Question : What strategies do Saudi Arabian hospitals use to manage nurses retention? Objectives of study : To find out how the demographic characteristics of healthcare workers affect their turnover. To identify the indicators to possible turnover among nurse in Saudi Arabia. To identify factors that contributes to the high turnover rates among nurses working in Saudi Arabian hospitals. To identify the relationship between turnover intention and job satisfaction level among nurses who are working in Saudi Arabia hospitals.
Define (a) The fault level of a system or unit in a system (b) base MVA State (c) the equation for percentage impedance or impedance voltage (d) the relationship between X% and Xpu (e) the units of X% and Xpu (f) Xpu in terms of the fault level MVA and the base MVA
By using The Walt Disney Company complete a more in-depth analysis of its strategy 1. Discuss how that company has strengthened its generic strategy through complementary strategic moves in this industry. In your analysis of its strategic moves, examine the timing of these moves. a) Identify whether to pursue offensive or defensive strategic options b) Discuss the timing for strategic moves c) Outline complementary strategic options, challenges and benefits of the complementary strategic options
An "objective" conversational response on how well this person has done on their discussion topic, titled undesiredbehavior, punishment and rewards? Your expert objective response should contribute small amount new information related to the discussion topic that is unique and interesting. If using sources please use scholarly sources that are cited using APA format Punishment can be done several ways, but certain approaches are more productive than others in order to construct morale in an individual. A common form of punishment would be to inflict pain or embarrassment as a means to emit a desired behavior. Some don't realize classical