Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information. "Dependencies" Suggest at least three (3) potential challenges of controlling the project schedule when outsourcing critical tasks. Suggest the manner in which you could mitigate such challenges.
"Human Resource Management and Project Life Cycle" Please respond to the following: Explain the elements of project management and its relationship to human resource management. Evaluate the importance of understanding the various stages of the project life cycle and its possible contributions to a project.
"Strategic Planning and Organizational Restructuring" Please respond to the following: Assess the merits of this statement by incorporating a specific personal project, formal or informal. “Strategic planning is critical in the overall effectiveness of project management.”
Case Study 1: Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson (Chapter 2) Read the case titled: “Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson” found in Chapter 2. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: • Analyze the prioritizing process at D. D. Williamson. • Suggest two (2) recommendations to improve the prioritizing process.
Project Charter" Please respond to the following: Dissect the elements of a project charter, explaining the importance of each element. Next, research a minimum of two project charter templates from a variety of source. Then., evaluate the selected project charter templates, and describe what you did or did not like about each. Include the website URL where each template was found. Be sure to discuss what value you think the charter would bring to a project.
Read the case titled: “Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth” found in Chapter 3. This assignment is about developing a specific project team for TriHealth. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: • Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions. • Reorganize any two (2) roles at TriHealth that result in shared responsibilities and then state why you chose those two roles.
"Stakeholder Involvement" Please respond to the following: Justify the influence of stakeholders in the project management plan and their role in communication planning. Watch the video titled “More People Turning to Telecommuting” (5 min 21 s), found on NBC Learn. Title: More People Turning to Telecommuting
"Work Breakdown and Development of Inventory System Project" Please respond to the following: Research work breakdown structures and compare one created with MS Project and one created without software. Next., justify which work breakdown structure you prefer and support your reasons. Analyze the WBS created by the private company.
Lesson 3: Brand Management Discussion Question 1 (26 points) Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to each of the following discussion questions. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer each discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Appropriately cite all resources used to answer the discussion questions and include an APA-formatted bibliography for each. Your Discussion Question responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the questions themselves. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.
Select one of the following topics to research: Coffee or caffeine Eggs Low-fat diets Low-carb diets Other nutrition topic Research your topic using 2 nutrition articles that discuss your topic, but provide opposing viewpoints. Use the Internet, the University Library, or the search links provided in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings to locate the articles.