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HRM 562 Week 2 Discussion

"Organizational Learning Mechanisms (OLMs) and Organizational Culture" • In your own words, contrast the core differences between off-line and online Organizational Learning Mechanisms (OLMs). Then, create a scenario in which one (1) of the following types of OLMs would be an effective structure: off-line/internal OLMs, online/internal OLMs, off-line/external OLMs and online/external OLMs. Justify your reasoning for selecting the OLM for the scenario.

HRM 562 Week 3 Assignment 1 Identifying the Organizational Learning Issues

Suppose that your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, is dealing with a major issue in transitioning individual learning (e.g., sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, processes, etc.) into organizational learning. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has asked you, as the Vice President of Human Resources, to assist with the issue and to help the organization transition its culture to this new way of learning. Before you provide any recommendations to address the issue, you must first research the root of the problem and the resistance to this transition.

HRM 562 Week 3 Discussion

"Psychological Threat and Safety" • Using one (1) image risk (i.e., ignorant, incompetent, negative, and disruptive), assess the potential effects of one (1) psychological threat that a person may witness in his or her learning process for either academic courses or career progression (e.g., certifications, training, professional conferences). Suggest two (2) ways to overcome the identified risk in order for the person to experience psychological safety. Justify your response.

HRM 562 Week 4 Assignment Supporting Document 1 Memorandum to the CEO

Using the same scenario from Assignment 1, as the Vice President of Human Resources, you must create a memorandum to the CEO on the issues you discovered from the research. This memorandum serves as your communication to share the discovered problems and request permission to continue researching future solutions. Write a one to two (1-2) page memorandum in which you: 1. Identify the issue(s) you discovered in the organization’s mystification from individual learning to the organizational learning using the examples that you provided in Assignment 1. 2. Elaborate on the significant barriers that you discovered impact the process of learning within the organization’s culture. Provide a brief description of the selected OLM (e.g., Off-line/Internal, On-line/Internal, Off-line/External or On-line/External) that will be most suitable for this transition. Justify the selection.

HRM 562 Week 4 Discussion

"Contextual Factors and Behavioral Channels" • Design a table using three (3) of the six (6) contextual factors (e.g., environmental uncertainty, task uncertainty, error criticality, task structure, proximity to the organization’s core mission, and organizational structure). For each contextual factor, create one (1) brief scenario that is beyond management’s control. Then, develop one (1) corrective action to increase the management success. Note: Online students may use Microsoft Word or other equivalent software to design the table and then copy and paste it into the discussion board.

HRM 562 Week 5 Discussion

"Dissemination of Knowledge" • Select either direct or indirect dissemination of information and knowledge. Using three (3) of the six (6) basic elements, (i.e., the source, the recipient, the relationship between them, the knowledge to be transferred, the method of transfer, and the organizational context within which transfer occurs), suggest one (1) problem that may occur in each element. Justify your response.

HRM 562 Week 6 Assignment Supporting Document 2 Resistance Risk Mitigation Intervention Table

Using the same scenario from Assignment 1, you realize that transitioning your organization to a learning environment may not be as easy as first imagined. You have encountered several resistance issues relating to the culture, psychological learning, organization structure, workforce commitment, and dissemination of knowledge. You decide to gather a decision-making team to assist in identifying the high or moderate resistance risks that may stop or slow down the process of this transition. The decision-making team must also recommend some mitigation intervention to lower the identified resistance risks to either moderate or low. For example, a high resistance risk can become moderate or low and moderate resistance risk can become low.

HRM 562 Week 6 Discussion

"Learning, Social and Control, and Psychological Functions" • Select one (1) work-related activity in which you have participated (either a successful or failed performance), and decide whether or not debriefing could have been an effective tool to improve the performance. Next, determine one (1) learning function from the activity, and provide at least one (1) example of the learning function.

Phychology Kettner

Kettner, et al. note there is a danger in stating a problem as a solution, because doing so can result in failing to understand the problem completely. Without a holistic view of the problem, a solution might not get at the core issue(s) that need change and results of the solution may be minimal or short term. For example, as an intern at Acme Behavior Consultation, Inc. you have been asked to join a team of consultants who are working with a preschool early intervention program. The program reports incorrect implementation of behavior modification strategies by teachers and an increase in student challenging behaviors across classrooms. For this Discussion: 1. Using what you have learned about applied behavior analysis in previous coursework; identify a potential solution for this early intervention program’s issues of incorrect implementation by teachers and increasing challenging behavior

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

1. Assess the organization’s culture as it relates to shared knowledge, then specify the significant issue(s) that you discovered with the culture. Determine the disconnect you observed between the culture and organizational learning using three (3) of the five (5) mystifications. Support your response with at least one (1) example of each selected mystification within the organization. 2. Give your opinion on the current Organizational Learning Mechanism(s) (OLMs) that hinder organizational learning. Support your response with one (1) example of a training or learning initiative (e.g., sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, processes, etc.) and the outcome when it was applied to the organization.