"Training and Organizational Learning" • Give your opinion on the major difference(s) between training and organizational learning. Next, outline a plan to transition an organization with which you are familiar from learning “in” the organization to learning “by” the organization. Defend the core reasons why you believe the plan would be effective.
Using the information from Assignment 1 and the supporting documents, you must create a proposal for your CEO explaining the issue and implementation recommendations in transitioning the individual learning to organizational learning. Refer to the Project Proposal template, located in Week 8 of the online course shell for additional information on the content of each section of the proposal. Write a five to seven (5-7) page proposal in which you: Section 1: Project Summary 1. Summarize your findings along with the implementation recommendations. Section 2: Project Background 2. Determine the issue that has disconnected the culture and organizational learning based on the three (3) selected mystifications from Assignment 1.
"Low-Quality and High-Quality After-Action Review" • Create a scenario or event in an organization (i.e., safety, training, or another issue) using a low-quality after-action review. Next, speculate on the major negative effects within the organization if the same scenario or event were to reoccur. Support your response with at least two (2) examples of the identified negative effects. • Watch the video titled “AAR (After Action Review) Definition & Explanation” (2 min 43 s), located in the online course shell. You may also view the video athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NI_P0JkC-8. Next, using the reoccurrence of the scenario or event from part one of the discussion, change the low-quality to a high-quality after-action review. Then, suggest the most important lessons-learned using the high-quality after-action review method as an adopted business practice.
"Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning" • Examine the impact that the Work Innovation Network (WIN) has had on the Knowledge Management (KM) initiative at Hewlett-Packard (HP). Next, give your opinion on the influence of both initiatives on the evolution of organizational learning. Support your response with at least two (2) specific examples of the organizational learning at HP. • Outline a plan to teach employees the importance of incorporating productive learning as an improvement in their department, job, process, product, or service. Provide at least two (2) examples of productive learning in your plan.
"Intervention and Mapping a Learning Organization" • Read the article titled “Keep Abreast of Human Resources Current Issues”, located at http://www.strategic-human-resource.com/human-resources-current-issues.html. Next, outline a five (5) stage plan of an intervention process for one (1) current issue in Human Resources. Next, justify each stage’s impact on an organization’s OLM designed to address the chosen issue. • Using the OLM concepts that you have learned in this course, map the learning in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar, and determine the most significant areas for improvements. Justify your response.
"Flawless Consulting and a Sensible Oxymoron" Please discuss the following: • Describe the benefits of flawless consultation then explain the basic value of the term, “flawless consultation
"Trust and Accountability" Please discuss the following: • Trust has been identified as a major consideration when choosing a consultant to improve business processes. Create a persuasive argument to convince a potential client that you are trustworthy and can deliver results.
"Consulting Relationship and Negotiation" Please discuss the following: • It is sometimes difficult to agree upon essential wants and desirable wants in a consulting relationship. Characterize how you would reach agreement with a potential client about the absolutely critical elements and the nice-to-have elements of a relationship.
Motivating Employees Employees who are satisfied and feel fulfilled in their jobs will be more productive. Managers will also experience less turnover than with employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs. Finding ways to motivate employees and creating a workplace where they are motivated and feel appreciated can be a challenge for managers.
Assignment 3: Diversity in Organizations Management practices differ, depending on the diversity within the organization. In this assignment, you will research the demographics for your area or city and apply those demographics to business operations. This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts. Part I Research the population demographics in the area or state where you live.