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Managerial Accounting

(a) Managerial accounting is a field of accounting that provides economic information for all interested parties.” Do you agree? Explain. 2. Distinguish between managerial and financial accounting as to (a) primary users of reports, (b) types and frequency of reports, and (c) purpose of reports. 3. Linda Olsen is studying for the next accounting midterm examination. Summarize for Linda what she should know about management functions.

MGT/521 Planning and Measuring Performance

Review the Example and Practice sections of the Balanced Scorecard Module to practice reading and evaluating the information it presents. Complete the Assignment section of the Balanced Scorecard Module to evaluate the performance of the organization against established standards.

MKT 571- Client Pitch Presentation

Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new Integrated Marketing Communication plan (IMC) to your client. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that includes the following components: (slides must also possess speaker notes) Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build and maintain the brand and customer loyalty. Create a print ad and a video broadcast for the product featuring your new strategy (Youtube TM, video, or power point storyboard is acceptable).

MKT 571 Segmentation and Target Market Paper

MKT 571 Segmentation and Target Market Paper Write a white paper on a company of your choice and discuss the market segmentation within that industry along with the target market for the company and the selection process for that target market.


ENC 1101 Composition MAC 1105C College Algebra ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics ENC 1102 Composition II ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics ACG 2021 Principles of Financial Accounting SPC 1608 Fundamentals of Oral Communication ACG 2071 Principles of Managerial Accounting ECO 3401 Quantitative Business Tools CGS 2100C Computer Fundamentals for Business ACG 3131 Intermediate Financial Accounting I FIN 3403 Business Finance MAR 3023 Marketing ECO 3411 Quantitative Business Tools II MAN 3025 Management of Organizations GEB 3003 Career Research & Planning ACG 3141 Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACG 3361 Cost Accounting I MAN 3025 Management of Organizations ECO 3411 Quantitative Business Tools II GEB 3005 Career Search Strategy ACG 4401C Accounting Information Systems BUL 3130 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business MAR 3203 Supply Chain and Operations Management GEB 3375 Introduction to International Business GEB 4223 Business Interviewing Techniques Senior Year TAX 4001 Taxation of Business Entities and ACG 4651 Auditing ACG 4803 Advanced Issues in Financial Accounting MAN 4720 Strategic Management GEB 4004 Executing Your Career Plan


Conduct research concerning the background of your selected individual to determine what forces impacted his or her life from the viewpoint of developmental psychology. Distinguish between the influences of heredity and environment on the person’s psychological development. Be sure to specify which area of psychological development: moral, emotional, or other. What family issues or social support systems may have influenced the person’s developmental growth and adjustment? Select two different theories of personality and apply them to your selected figure, and answer the following question: How does each theory differ in terms of how it explains the individual's unique patterns or traits? Explain which theoretical approach you believe best explains the individual's behaviors and achievements. Make sure to explain why you made this choice.

psychological minds

Briefly describe at least one (1) episode of a television show in which you observed aggression or violence. Identify the context in which the character(s) demonstrated aggression or violence. Include the gender, age, and culture of the character(s) involved in the aggressive or violent act(s). Discuss at least two (2) possible reasons why the selected TV episode included aggression or violence. Provide a rationale for your response. Describe at least two (2) ways that media violence can cause desensitization in people. Justify your response. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements

Public Policy Analysis

In a three to four page APA paper, create a public policy to address an issue you consider important. Construct the details of the policy utilizing one of the models listed below. Discuss the rationale of the policy and how your model will assist policy makers in their decision making and implementation processes. Evaluate your model utilizing the general criteria provided in the text. You are required to use at least two outside sources to support your position.

Shareholder Wealth Maximization

Locate one publicly traded corporation that you believe is not maximizing shareholder wealth. What is the market price of the stock of this corporation? How does it compare with the intrinsic value of the corporation? Justify why you believe the corporation is not maximizing shareholder wealth. Calculate and analyze the following thirteen financial ratios of the corporation and compare them to the appropriate industry average:

Steel is by far the most suitable material to use for the structure of a building

It is a 1500 essay, give or take 10%.on why steel is more suitable to use for structure of a building. Please touch on the following below, 1 High quality, aesthetic 2, Lower maintenance costs 3, Fire resistant 4, Steel is environmentally friendly 5, Components can be used again and again